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Boeing FA 1. 8EF Super Hornet Wikipedia. The Boeing FA 1. E and FA 1. F Super Hornet are twin enginecarrier capablemultirole fighter aircraft variants based on the Mc. Donnell Douglas FA 1. Hornet. The FA 1. E single seat and FA 1. F tandem seat variants are larger and more advanced derivatives of the FA 1. C and D Hornet. The Super Hornet has an internal 2. M6. 1 rotary cannon and can carry air to air missiles and air to surface weapons. Setup instructions, cutter instructions, sign software, windows software, signtools homepage, home, sign cutting, sign making software, vinyl software, vinyl cutting. PCGS graded MS 63 BN. Mint brown and red lustre. Ch. UNC. 49 1925. Key date. Brown, 6 pearls. FINE 180 200 Start Price 80. Start Price 200 39. Dear AuthorResearcher, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering Technology IJARCET invites you to submit your research paper for. QW/SN/MY-1084609/v-24-cutting-plotter-500x500.jpg' alt='Bengal Bn 60 Software' title='Bengal Bn 60 Software' />Additional fuel can be carried in up to five external fuel tanks and the aircraft can be configured as an airborne tanker by adding an external air refueling system. Designed and initially produced by Mc. Donnell Douglas, the Super Hornet first flew in 1. Low rate production began in early 1. September 1. 99. 7, after the merger of Mc. Donnell Douglas and Boeing the previous month. The Super Hornet entered service with the United States Navy in 1. Grumman F 1. 4 Tomcat, which was retired in 2. Super Hornet serves alongside the original Hornet. The Royal Australian Air Force RAAF, which has operated the FA 1. A as its main fighter since 1. FA 1. 8F in 2. 00. F 1. 11. C fleet. RAAF Super Hornets entered service in December 2. DevelopmenteditOriginseditThe Super Hornet is an evolutionary redesign of the Mc. Donnell Douglas FA 1. Hornet. The Super Hornets unique wing and tail configuration can be traced back to an internal Northrop project P 5. F 5. E with a larger wing, twin tail fins and a distinctive leading edge root extension LERX. Later flying as the Northrop YF 1. Cobra, it competed in the United States Air Forces Lightweight Fighter LWF program to produce a smaller and simpler fighter to complement the larger Mc. Donnell Douglas F 1. Eagle the YF 1. YF 1. The Navy directed that the YF 1. FA 1. 8 Hornet to meet a requirement for a multi role fighter to complement the larger and more expensive Grumman F 1. Tomcat serving in fleet defense interceptor and air superiority roles. The Hornet proved to be effective but limited in combat radius. The concept of an enlarged Hornet was first proposed in the 1. Mc. Donnell Douglas as Hornet 2. The Hornet 2. 00. FA 1. 8 with a larger wing and a longer fuselage to carry more fuel and more powerful engines. The end of the Cold War led to a period of military budget cuts and considerable restructuring. At the same time, U. S. Naval Aviation faced a number of problems. The Mc. Donnell Douglas A 1. Avenger II was canceled in 1. Grumman A 6 Intruder and LTV A 7 Corsair II. The Navy considered updating an existing design as a more attractive approach to a clean sheet program. As an alternative to the A 1. Mc. Donnell Douglas proposed the Super Hornet initially Hornet II in the 1. FA 1. 8 models,6 which could serve as an alternate replacement for the A 6 Intruder. The next generation Hornet design proved more attractive than Grummans Quick Strike upgrade to the F 1. Tomcat, which was regarded as an insufficient technological leap over existing F 1. VFA 1. 43 Pukin Dogs F 1. B and FA 1. 8E in 2. At the time, the Grumman F 1. Tomcat was the Navys primary air superiority fighter and fleet defense interceptor. Then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney described the F 1. F 1. 4D procurement in 1. FA 1. 8EF. 91. The decision to replace the Tomcat with an all Hornet Carrier Air Wing was controversial Vietnam Warace and Congressman Duke Cunningham criticized the Super Hornet as an unproven design that compromised air superiority. In 1. 99. 2, the Navy canceled the Navy Advanced Tactical Fighter NATF, which would have been a navalized variant of the Air Forces Lockheed Martin F 2. Raptor. 5 As a cheaper alternative to NATF, Grumman proposed substantial improvements to the F 1. Quick Strike, but Congress rejected them as too costly and reaffirmed its commitment to the less expensive FA 1. EF. 1. 2Testing and productionedit. What If Wolverine Enemy Of The State'>What If Wolverine Enemy Of The State. FA 1. 8F Super Hornet left and a FA 1. A Hornet rightThe Super Hornet was first ordered by the U. S. Navy in 1. 99. The Navy retained the FA 1. Congress as a low risk derivative, though the Super Hornet is largely a new aircraft. The Hornet and Super Hornet share many characteristics, including avionics, ejection seats, radar, armament, mission computer software, and maintenanceoperating procedures. The initial FA 1. EF retained most of the avionics systems from the FA 1. CDs configuration at the time. The design would be expanded in the Super Hornet with an empty weight slightly greater than the F 1. C. 1. 4The Super Hornet first flew on 2. November 1. 99. 5. Initial production on the FA 1. EF began in 1. 99. Flight testing started in 1. FA 1. 8EFs first carrier landing in 1. Low rate production began in March 1. September 1. 99. 7. Testing continued through 1. Testing involved 3,1. The Super Hornet underwent U. S. Navy operational tests and evaluations in 1. February 2. 00. 0. With the retirement of the F 1. Navys combat jets are Hornet variants until the introduction of the F 3. C Lightning II. 1. The FA 1. 8E single seat and FA 1. F two seat aircraft took the place of the F 1. Tomcat, A 6 Intruder, Lockheed S 3 Viking, and KA 6. D aircraft. An electronic warfare variant, the EA 1. G Growler, replaces the EA 6. B Prowler. The Navy calls this reduction in aircraft types a neck down. During the Vietnam War era, the Super Hornets roles were performed by a combination of the A 1A 4A 7 light attack, A 6 medium attack, F 8F 4 fighter, RA 5. C recon, KA 3KA 6 tanker and EA 6 electronic warfare. It was anticipated that 1 billion in fleetwide annual savings would result from replacing other types with the Super Hornet. The Navy considers the Super Hornets acquisition a success, meeting cost, schedule, and weight 4. Improvements and changeseditThe Block II Super Hornet incorporates an improved active electronically scanned array AESA radar, larger displays, the joint helmet mounted cuing system, and several other avionics replacements. Avionics and weapons systems that were under development for the prospective production version of the Boeing X 3. Block II Super Hornet. New build aircraft received the APG 7. AESA radar beginning in 2. Ic-F33gt Programming Software. In January 2. 00. AESA radars. 2. 4In 2. Boeing discussed the development of a Super Hornet Block III with the U. S. and Australian military, featuring additional stealth capabilities and extended range. In 2. 01. 0, Boeing offered prospective Super Hornet customers the International Roadmap, which included conformal fuel tanks, enhanced engines, an enclosed weapons pod EWP, a next generation cockpit, a new missile warning system, and an internal infra red search and track IRST system. The EWP has four internal stations for munitions, a single aircraft can carry a total of three EWPs, housing up to 1. AMRAAMs and 2 Sidewinders. The next generation cockpit features a 1. In 2. 01. 1, Boeing received a US Navy contract to develop a new mission computer. An FA 1. 8F Super Hornet named the Green Hornet, during a supersonic test flight in 2. In 2. 00. 7, Boeing stated that a passive Infrared Search and Track IRST sensor would be an available future option. The sensor, mounted in a modified centerline fuel tank, detects long wave IR emissions to spot and track targets such as aircraft 3. IRST and AIM 9. X Sidewinder missiles is immune to radar jamming.