HomeNet Connector For Sap

Net Connector For Sap

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SAP Connector for Microsoft. NET. The. NET connectors are totally free if you have a license for another piece of SAP software usually an old R3, Netweaver, portal or the likes. Its available for download directly from SAP at service. Diablo 2 German Patch on this page. You DO need a sapnet account for this, but your local administrator can easily and for free provide you with one. Also if youve recently taken a certification exam with SAP, youll get a card with an account for the sapnet. Id highly recommend that you download the connector from a reputable source like the manufacturer, as this is a vital piece of software that usually acesses your entire SAP system. Anything else would breach any decent security effort. Source form expert Twisteddk at http www. DatabaseSoftwareERPSAPERPQ2. Texasbased Oil and Gas company, Denbury Resources, is realising tangible return on its major SAP EAM implementation. Leveraging his accounting background, Justin. Computational, database, communication and drawing software for chemists. Connect SAP and SharePoint using the Cloud Connector. Use the Cloud Connector Connection Manager a MMC console plugin to define your connection as shown below. How to Use SAP NCo 3 Connector with. Net 4 in Visual Studio 2. SAP Business Connector. SAP offers several technologies to interface with its ECC system. Of those varied technologies, RFC or Remote Function Call is one of the most popular. SAP has developed many implementation for the RFC, including COM, Java and. Move, integrate, and analyze your data with ease utilizing our new FireDAC Enterprise Connectors and 80 Enterprise applications, powered by CData. See more. Hi You need to make sure, the Connector you are creating, is communicating on Port 25000. Have you gone through the steps from your link Configure send Connector. Technical and functional blog on SAP CRM, SAP Cloud for Customer and Mobile Apps for SAP. Net. SAP initially created a Connector using Java, called the Jco or Java Connector as an alternative to their flagship ABAP language. As the. Net framework and platform became more prevalent, SAP created a RFC Connector for. Net, titled Nco. Net Connector. SAP recently released an updated version of their. Net Connector for. Net Framework 4. SAP. Net Connector For Sap' title='Net Connector For Sap' />Net Connector Overwiev. Install the connector on your machine. To interface with SAP using the SAP Nco 3. Net Framework 4. 0 and Visual Studio 2. Connector from the SAP Marketplace web site. Note that you need to be a SAP customer with a valid customer id and password http service. For Visual Studio 2. P1. 5 2. 00. 07. P1. Unzip and install to a convenient location on your machine. Create an App. For the purposes of this tutorial, I will create a Console application using the C language to retrieve a list of customers from SAP. I will also create a C class to handle the operations and a class to manage the connections to the different SAP systems. If you have Visual Studio 2. Create a Visual Studio 2. Windows Console Application. I name mine SAPCustomers, but you can name it anything you want. SAP NCo DLL Version Information. Create SAP Connection. Once the Project is setup, create a new C class, SAPSystem. Connect, to implement the IDestination. Configuration interface. This class will manage the configuration and connection to the SAP system. To be able to implement the IDestination. Configuration interface, you will need to add a couple of references. Right click on project and select Add ReferenceWhen window opens, select Browse and navigate to the folder where you installed the SAP Nco Connector. You will need to select the following dll Sapnco. Sapncoutils. dll. Add the Connector Reference to the Class. Next in the SAPSystem. Connect class file, add a reference to the Connector SAP. Middleware. Connector. To connect to a SAP system, we need to implement IDestination. Configuration interface and define connection configuration parameters. Using the SAPSystem. Connect class, add the IDestination. Configuration and implicitly implement its methods. The following code snippet show how the code should look like after the methods are implemented. An easy way to implement methods and properties of an interface is to place your cursor at the end of the class name and type a colon. Then start typing the interface name and Intelli. Sense should popup and provide some suggestions, or you can press CtrlSpacebar to bring up the Intelli. Sense menu. Once the interface name is entered, Intelli. Sense will add an underscore or squiggly just under the first couple of letters as a prompt for you to take further action. Click on the squiggly and select to implicitly implement the interfaces methods and Intelli. Sense will add the necessary methods, events and other properties that are in the interface. Code Snippet of SAPSystem. Connect class. To define an RFCDestination, we will need to change the code in the Get. Parameters method. Several important parameters need to be created and initialized to be able to connect to SAP and return an RFCDestination. First create a new Rfc. Config. Parameters object, parms, to hold our connection details. This class will manage the connections to the SAP system through a pooling manager, thus allowing for several threaded connections. Next, if you plan on using the same program for different destinations, you can test for the destination using an if statement or a switch. In the following example, I am using an if expression. To define a destination, we will need to set some parameters as the following code snippet demonstrates. SAP RFCConnection Parameters. SAP BAPI Explorer. SAPs BAPI Explorer tcode is BAPI is your source of all the functions, objects, fields and source code to help you. BAPI Explorer is more than a documentation repository. It also provides access to the source code of the RFCs provides detailed information on the import and export parameters, structures and tables. You can create and test new functions and you can run existing BAPIs to review the data that is being returned. A handy tool is the BAPI list generator. It searches and creates a list of all BAPIs for a particular object. The BAPI Explorer tutorial is beyond the scope of this tutorial. BAPI Explorer. Customer BAPICustomer Class Properties. Using the RFCDestination. The next step in this tutorial is to actually use the RFCDestination to connect to a Repository and query the Customer Master Data to return a list of customers and some extra details. Four BAPIs functions that will give us the required information are. BAPICUSTOMERGETLIST. BAPICUSTOMERGETSALESAREAS. BAPICUSTOMERGETDETAIL1. BAPICUSTOMERGETDETAIL2. BAPICUSTOMERGETLISTBAPICUSTOMERGETSALESAREASBAPICUSTOMERGETDETAIL1. BAPICUSTOMERGETDETAIL2. Create a new C class Customers. Add the SAP Connector in the reference. To hold the data from SAP, define a series of protected properties. The code has been truncated for brevity but the complete source code is included at the end of the tutorial Next define method to perform the operations of connecting and retrieving the data from SAP Get. Customer. Detail. The method will take a Rfc. Destination parameter to pass in the destination from the main program, see section Putting the Pieces Together later in this tutorial. The Connector provides several Exception classes that we will implement using a trycatch statement. The exception classes are Rfc. Communication. Exception. We couldnt obtain a connection with the system. Rfc. Logon. Exception. We couldnt logon. Rfc. Abap. Runtime. Exception. A runtime error has occurred. Rfc. Abap. Base. Exception. A General Abap error has occurred. Within the trycatch operation, define an Rfc. Repository object, repo. Next create a Rfc. Function to return a list of customers, customer. List and pass in the BAPICUSTOMERGETLIST function to return. Before we can use the function, we need to invoke it, see code snippet below. Code Snippet of Creating Function. Setting the id. Range parameters. Now that we have access to the function, we need to tell it what range of values to return. Create an IRFCTable object and set the Get. Table property for the Customer. List function. Set the value to Id. Range. For the purposes of this example, I will use the following parameters Sign IOptions BT, meaning betweenLow, or smallest value. High9. 99. 99. 99, the highest possible value. Here is a look at the code snippet Add id. Range to BAPI function. Once these values are set, you will need to add the table to the function. Before invoking the function again to return the list of customers, you will need to tell the function which table of data you want to return. The current function can return Address. Data and Return and Special. Data. I will use the Address. Data for this example. Once we have a list of customers, you will be able to loop through the list, extracting any needed data. I will create and destroy and explicitly call the garbage collector for each row in the list otherwise you will run into memory issues.