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Possessed Pirates 3

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Carina Smyth Pot. C WikiThe worlds still the same. Theres just. less in it. This article, or a section of this article, needs to be expanded. Possessed Pirates 3dSee the request on the listing or on this articles talk page. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice from the page. Its not a bad look, really. EhThis article would greatly benefit from the addition of one or more new images. Please upload a relevant image and place it here. Once finished, this notice may be removed. The East India Trading Company has need of your services. The blank edges of the map must be filled in. This article has an excess of redlinks in it. Attention is requested to create new articles from these links. Pirates were often former sailors experienced in naval warfare. They were called buccaneers, from the French boucanier one who smokes meat on a boucan wooden. Reviews of Nonfiction Books on Maritime Piracy the Age of Sail. Pirates and Privateers The History of Maritime Piracy. Cindy Vallar, Editor Reviewer P. O. Box 425, Keller, TX 762440425. KvCvYDdow/VSPza8MsNzI/AAAAAAAAAbo/40SCzypwb9w/s1600/blackbeard01.jpg' alt='Possessed Pirates 3 Online' title='Possessed Pirates 3 Online' />Please remove this message when finished. Barbossa. My name is Barbossa. Carina BarbossasrcCarina Smyth, also known as Carina Barbossa, was an astronomer and horologist around the middle of the 1. A brilliant thinker, Carina was a woman ahead of her time. She was often accused of being a witch for her interests in astronomy, time, and mathematics. Though women had no right to study at university in her time, Carina Smyth fought against that rule. She eventually came in possession of a diary with clues that would lead to the mystical Trident of Poseidon. Along the way, she encountered Henry Turner and the infamous pirate Jack Sparrow. Carina sought the Trident to not only prove herself as a scientist but to unravel the mystery of where she came from, discover who her unknown father is, and who she is truly meant to be. Biography. Edit. Early Life. Edit. Not much are known about Carina Smyths early life. Her father, Hector Barbossa left her to an orphanage after her mothers death. It is likely she was a baby then. She was left outside the orphanage with a diary with a ruby on it and a name, Carina Smyth. Inside of the diary there were many important astronomy dates who could lead her to the trident of Poseidon. Hanover Hall. Edit. Quest for the Trident of Poseidon. Edit. The Occhiolino. EditWell done, Carina. Now youve lost the most precious possession youve ever had. Carina SmythsrcWhile on the voyage to Saint Martin, Carina used information in the Diary for constructing an Occhiolino, an invention of Galileo Galileis. The Occhiolino had the power to uncover the secret of things for whomever uses it, which she took to mean a magnifying aid. Carina finished completing the device when her ship arrived at Saint Martin, using a doorknob given her by the ships cook as the last piece. While explaining the function of the device to the disinterested cook, Carina was overheard by two local thieves, Gan and Jan, who stole subsequently stole it from her. Loosing them in the crowd, Carina berated herself for talking about the Occhiolino out loud, until she observed unusual carriage tracks. The deeper ruts indicated that two men had boarded it while it passed. Catching up to the carriage, owned by a couple named George and Margaret, Carina found that Gan and Jan had were indeed inside. She demanded the return of the Occhiolino. When the thieves pulled guns, the shots alarmed the horses, causing the carriage to careen out out of control. Carina managed to reclaim the Occhiolino, but Jan stole her journal when he and Gan jumped the carriage prior to it running off a bridge. Having lost her most precious possession and unsure of where the thieves had fled to, Carina used the Occhiolino to examine a torn piece of Jans shirt, discovering pieces of peppercorn on it. Using that clue, Carina found them in a spice shop discussing what to do with their prize. Carina confronted them a second time to claim her property. While the theives had lost their pistols, they still had swords. However, the swords flew through the air for Carina to catch them. Believing that she was using witchcraft, Gan and Jan fled, leaving Carina her journal. In the process of their escape, they stepped on and broke the Occhiolino. While sad that the magnifier was ruined, Carina was relieved to have her journal back. Update Adobe Flash On Ps3 more. A young girl who had witnessed the scene assumed that that Carina was, in fact a witch, made herself known, asking to be taught. Carina revealed that it was actually science she had used magnets to make the metal swords fly out of their owners hands. Giving the magnets to the girl and reminding her of how science can improve lives, Carina resumed her mission. Wanting to find Swift and Sons Chart House for supplies she would need to study the blood moon that would lead her to the Map That No Man Can Read, Carina asked a solider for directions. When the solider scoffed to know why she, as a woman, would want to find that establishment, Carina made the mistake of telling the truth that she was a scientist and had been studying the stars her whole life. Immediately branded as a witch, she was forced to flee, spending weeks on the run while evading and getting into skirmishes with the authorities until she was finally captured. Carina is visited by someone and while talking she confesses that she managed to trick the lock before she escapes the cell and runs out. Carina later disguises herself as a nun and approaches the arrested Henry Turner and asked him for information about the Trident of Poseidon. Though she disbelieves his story with dealing with the dead, she says he must help her before she frees him and runs after being recognized. Both of them are then chased by British soldiers and go their separate ways for the time being. Allying with Pirates. Edit. Carina managed to elude the guards by hiding in an astronomers shop where she worked with the equipment inside before she is found by the shops owner. He accuses her of being a witch which she defends until Jack Sparrow arrives and helped her in eluding the guards though she screams at the pirate for his actions. Carina then runs away but is soon captured by the guards sentenced to execution for her crimes. Henry saves Carina from hanging. At the execution site, Carina was to be hanged and after being asked to speak her last words. Carina used them to insult the crowd for their stupidity by stating she was astronomer but her speech was cut off by the recently captured Jack Sparrow resulting in an argument which ends with her telling the executioners to kill him first. However, their bickering annoyed the crowd who demanded for both their deaths at the same but Henry Turner arrived distracting the guards before Jacks crew arrived. Carina kicked her executioner off the platform just as Scrum who was fighting a guard arrives nearly knocks the lever to the rope down. After Scrum defeats the guard she thanks him but accidentally releases it. Carina falls through but is saved by Henry who catches her and asks for her aid in his quest which she reluctantly agrees. John Scarfield tries to shoot Henry so both of them would die, but they are saved by Jack and Henry frees Carina. Pdf Rgb To Cmyk Converter more. With the pirates, Carina flees the area. Journey aboard the Dying Gull. Edit. Making their way to the Dying Gull, Carina criticized the ship which was still ashore but stopped the ship prepared to set sail though they have a hitch, the ship makes its voyage. During the journey, Jack has Carina and Henry tied to the mast before Jack tries to get the map to the Trident from Carina, threatening the life of Henry if she doesnt comply aware she might have feeling for him. Jack has his men throw Henry overboard and after he gets the information, he reveals Henry was thrown in a lifeboat tied to the ship to Carinas irritation. When the Silent Mary started to pursue them, Carina called the pirates stupid for believing in ghosts and was mad when Jack allowed his crew to lead a mutiny against him. On a rowboat, she is still annoyed and before reaching land Carina decided to save herself and discarded her dress having realized that the men on the other ship were after Jack and dived into the water.