HomeFallout New Vegas Willow Companion Mod

Fallout New Vegas Willow Companion Mod

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Caesars Legion Fallout Wiki. Caesars Legion. Reputation image from Fallout New Vegas. My Legion obeys me, even unto death. Why Because they live to serve the greater good, and they know of no alternatives. Caesar, Fallout New Vegas. Caesars Legion is an autocratic, traditionalist, imperialistic slaversociety, and a totalitarian dictatorship. Founded in 2. 24. Edward Sallow also known as Caesar and Joshua Graham, it is based on the ancient Roman Empire. Its legionaries are a well organized, culturally insular fighting force that mainly operate east of the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon, in the former state of Arizona. Ever pushing west, their capital is the city of Flagstaff. Caesars Legion is comprised mostly of reconditioned tribes and their descendants. The Legions symbol is a golden bull on a red field, which is derived from Julius Caesars standard for the Tenth Twin Legion. Background. EditAll territory east of the Colorado River is recognized as Caesars land, an area indisputably under the control of the Legion and agents acting on Caesars behalf. Fallout New Vegas loading screen. In the year 2. 24. Followers of the Apocalypse sent a group of nine members to the Arizona wastelands to study the regions tribal languages. The group included Follower Edward Sallow, who met with the New Canaanite missionary Joshua Graham, a specialist in tribal dialects. Not long into their travels, the group was captured by the Blackfoot tribe and held for ransom. At the time, the tribe warred against seven other tribes, and suffered from a lack of skill in warfare. Against his companions wishes, Sallow aided the Blackfoots to save him and his companions from their captors enemies, giving them knowledge in gun maintenance, small unit tactics, explosive improvisation, and military strategy. The tribals admired Sallow so much that they made him their leader. With that, Sallow took the name Caesar, and began reorganizing the tribals he commanded into the Legion. Caesar established warfare policies in the Legion based on the concepts of divide and conquer and total war. The Legion defeated the regions seven tribes from weakest to strongest, and completely dominated each factions land and people. The people conquered in campaigns were conscripted, enslaved, or killed. Caesar saw the tribes playing at war, and tribals viewed his tactics as foreign, as their warfare consisted of skirmishes that never escalated into major conflicts. Drivers License Abbreviation For Hazel on this page. With the combined leadership of Caesar and Graham, declared the Malpais Legate, the Legion led campaigns against more tribes, forming a fanatically loyal army with their captives. Eighty six tribes had been conquered by the year 2. Caesar led formed the most powerful society east of the Colorado River. The Legion expanded west into the Mojave, and established Fortification Hill on the Colorado River in 2. The advancing forces eventually made contact with the NCR near New Vegas, and began a campaign to take the region. Under the command of the Malpais Legate, Legion forces marched against the New California Republic garrison at Hoover Dam, in an attempt to take the strategic asset and river crossing. In what became known as the First Battle of Hoover Dam, the Malpais Legate initially had the upper hand. The Legate was able to push the NCR defenders back and lead his forces over the dam. Lead elements of the NCR, including members of the 1st Recon Battalion and NCR Rangers, executed a tactical retreat west across the dam and into Boulder City, all the while using their marksmanship prowess to kill the Legion officers primarily centurions and decanii. The Legate, unable to adapt his strategies in combat or see the deception unfolding in front of him, chose to order his legionaries to push the rangers, not knowing the NCR had booby trapped Boulder City, packing C4 along their line of retreat and within the city itself, and drawing the Legion into a trap. When the Legion forces entered the city, the NCR detonated the explosives and inflicted severe casualties amongst them, crippling their offensive. The NCR forces then counter attacked, pushing back and eventually routing the Legion forces who fled east back over the dam. Caesar, angered at the failure of his Legate, made an example of him. The Praetorian guard covered the Legate in pitch, set him on fire, and cast him into the depths of the Grand Canyon. Torrent Plus Belle La Vie Saison 9 De Secret. Caesar forbade mention of his name, and now he is spoken of only in hushed whispers by the lowest Legionaries and slaves they call him the Burned Man. By 2. 28. 1, Caesars Legion has re established its power in the west, rebuilt its army, and has slowly encroached on the city of New Vegas. They continue to contest NCR over all of the region, destroying several NCR bases such as Ranger Station Charlie and Camp Searchlight, overrunning the NCR town of Nelson, and creating unease and terror across the region. Sometime before the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the Caesars Legion has conquered a new tribe under the command of centurion Gaius Magnus, bringing the number to eighty seven. Organization. Edit. See also Caesars Legion military hierarchy. The Legion is first and foremost a slave army, the sole owner of which is Caesar. As Caesar conquers the peoples of the wasteland, he strips them of their tribal identities and merges them into his forces. There is no other tribe than the Legion itself. As a slave army, the Legion maintains a very strict hierarchy or division of roles. All able bodied males become slave soldiers with a singular purpose to fight for Caesar until they fall in battle. This reason for being is imprinted into each legionary during his reconditioning, or, if one was born into the Legion, upbringing and training. Legionaries become unconditionally devoted to their leader, living to fight. Contrary to expectations, experience and veterancy has no bearing on ones position in the Legion. While some may receive better equipment and more dangerous tasks to fulfill, at the end of the day, all soldiers remain slaves, disposable human tools that are discarded the moment they stop fulfilling their purpose. Concept art of a Caesars Legion camp. Women are given the role of, essentially, support corps. Caesar specifically forbids women from fighting, instead using them as caretakers, healers, midwives, and breeders to support the Legions continuous campaign of expansion. Almost all members of the Legion express condescending and misogynistic opinions of women and their non combat roles. While the portrayal of female slaves in Fallout New Vegas follows standard stereotypes, it is important to reiterate that both females and males in the Legion are fully subjugated by Caesar though women have the distinction of being considered sub human instead of merely slaves, due to the Legions perception of their sex. The Legion is structured after the army of the Roman Empire. The largest unit of organization in Caesars Legion is the cohort, numbering at about four hundred and eighty infantrymen. Cohorts are further divided into centuriae, which, contrary to their name, number about eighty men accurate to the ancient Roman army as a centuria consisted of eighty professional soldiers and twenty noncombatants. Fallout New Vegas Willow Companion Mod' title='Fallout New Vegas Willow Companion Mod' />Fallout New Vegas Willow Companion ModEach centuria is divided into ten tent groups contubernia, making this the squad level of organization. Raiding parties also form in this size about eight men and are led by a decanus squad leader. Fallout New Vegas Willow Companion Mod' title='Fallout New Vegas Willow Companion Mod' />Date Name 050615 Project Reality BF2 v1. GB NA There is no update from v1. What If Wolverine Enemy Of The State on this page. The Sports Market Demo 81. MB NA TSM is. Page 1 of 109 Sexout New Vegas Pregnancy posted in Downloads Fallout Sexout File Name Sexout New Vegas PregnancyFile Submitter HalstromFile. The Breather Episode trope as used in popular culture. One purpose of a Story Arc is to provide the necessary time to really ramp up the peril the.