HomeHow To Wean Off Vivelle Dot Patch

How To Wean Off Vivelle Dot Patch

How To Wean Off Vivelle Dot Patch 3,9/5 2057votes

Side effects, ratings, and patient comments. RATING  REASONSIDE EFFECTS FOR CLIMARACOMMENTSSEXAGEDURATIONDOSAGEDATE ADDED   F  M   2 Menopausal symptoms. A lot of heavy bleeding. Had ovaries and fallobian tubes taken out. Put on birth control pills which resulted in high blood pressure. Dr put me on the patch. A lot of heavy bleeding as a result. Not happy about it. I thought I wouldnt have to deal with the bleeding anymoresince I had my ovaries removed. F4. 41. 4 days. 892. Email 3 Severe osteoporosis. Extreme weight gain, 1. I finish my cycle. D9F41D00000578-3429359-image-a-2_1454534436259.jpg' alt='How To Wean Off Vivelle Dot Patch.1mg' title='How To Wean Off Vivelle Dot Patch.1mg' />How To Wean Off Vivelle Dot PatchesConsumer ratings reports for CLIMARA. Includes 202 patient rankings on scale of 15, comments, side effects, dosage, sex, age, time taken. Page 1 of 4. Also chronic sweating all day everyday and night. I have told my endocrinologist and she is going to look into things. Unfortunately I cant go off HRT so I will just have to deal with it. F2. 37 months. 10. Hot Flashes. No side effects that I can report at this time. Ive only used it for 2 weeks and that may be the full length of time since they DO NOT STAY ON. Consumer ratings reports for COMBIPATCH. Includes 98 patient rankings on scale of 15, comments, side effects, dosage, sex, age, time taken. Page 1 of 2. I went through 4 patches in 2 weeks. The two that stayed on only stayed on because I plastered it with medical tape that is horrible looking and itchy. I cleaned the area with alcohol and let dry before applying and reinforced it with tegaderm and it still came off. These are very expensive to not stay on 2. F4. 91. 4 days. 0. X W42. 42. 01. 7Email 4 Surgical Menopause. I put the patch on a Tuesday by Friday I started spotting, just wondering if this means I need a higher dose Any help would be greatly appreciated, New at this. Has helped with all menopause symptoms but having break thru bleedingF4. Email 2 Hot flashes mood swings. Light headed nausea weight gain and panic attacks. After three weeks this drug is making me sick and I want to come off of it. Maybe sometimes its just best to allow life to naturally happen. F5. 13 weeks. 0. 45 mg. Email 1 Severe hot flashes. Severe foot and leg pain, can hardly walk. Dizziness, migraines, blurred vision. Tingling in hands. Excessive weight gain. Went from 1. 45 to 1. I just want to know when the pain will go away, been off the patch for three weeks now, sleep disturbances back, hot flashes and mood swings. F4. 46 months. 0. Email 5 PerimenopausePanicHot Flashessore breasts, periods close together was pretty much done with periods when starting climara. Had a period 2 weeks after starting and then another one 1. No other side effects. Started with. 0. Since Im perimenopause and not in full menopause, my own hormones shifted after 2 weeks and I got a period hadnt had one in months. When my period started, my symptoms came back strong. Woke up with major anxiety, panic, hot flashes. Rm 607 Flash File 6.15. Doctor told me to add another patch. Symptoms disappeared that night, so now I am on. The patch stays on great I have dry skin, so thats probably why. I take a cotton ball with alcohol and wipe and dry the area before applying the patch. Game Beach Head 2003 Full Crack. No problem with it coming off. Havent had a panic attack since using this product. Sleep is actually something I get now. I hope I never have to stop this product and I hope it never closes business. It is saving my life. F5. 32 months. 0. X D71. 52. 01. 5 5 surgery 2. Only side effect is breast pain which quit using but felt so horrible when off went back on feel great every other way My Gyn plus the radiologist i saw with mammogram both said this low dose benefits very important no matter age. F6. 61. 0 years. 0. Continuous Bleeding. Extreme weight gain, sex drive gone away ta ta, bye, vision problems, slight bleeding and foul odor tender breast and severe cramps in abdomen, numbness in legs, extreme joint pain,mood swings always wanting to punch someone anyone in the throat which also by the way swells and I feel like I am going crazy, no sleep on sleeping pills that l cannot stop. Really the above is enough. F5. 18 months. 4. X W552. 01. 5Email 5 menopausesome redness after patch is removed, but it goes away within a day or two. I had been on Vivelle dot for two years but never felt completely back to normal. Yes, it was an improvement vs. HRT, but even with the highest dosage of the vivelle dot it seemed like I needed more. We switched to climara brand name, not generic and I noticed the patch is much bigger. For me, it has been a miracle patch All the aches and pains that Vivelle dot reduced but never quite took away, Climara took away And it gave me so much more energy and restful sleep. On vivelle dot I was still waking up every hour or so. Even though both the vivelle dot and the Climara are. Climara is stronger and I feel so much better Amazing Anxiety gone, eliminated hot flashes, skin and hair better. Mouth and nasal passages moister. Brain fog gone. However, I need to replace after 4 full days as I start to feel the low estrogen effects creep in and the headaches start. It doesnt last a full week for me. I wish I had switched to Climara sooner instead of wasting two years on the Vivelle dot. F2 months. 1mg 1. X W42. 82. 01. 5 4 Surgical menopsuse. Back pain when I bend down. Legs wobbly in morning. Water retention. Breast tenderness. It did stop the hot flashes until a month ago started to come back. Can I cut the patch in half. F5. 44 months. 0. Email 4 surgical menopause. Weight gain, bloatng, leg swelling, joint pain F5. Email 2 Hot Flashes. Im now 5. 0 started taking at 4. Patch was hot and red, turns out the effect is possible perminate. If you feel pain hands, arms, hips, muscles stiffness, be on the alert the effect is serious right now Im Ibuprofen to ease the pain, cant run anymore joints are painful. F5. 00. 2. 5MG 1. X W81. 22. 01. 4Email 2 post menopausal ERTThis patch will not stay on my skin for the prescribed 7 days. A TERRIBLE WASTE OF MY MONEY F6. X W81. 22. 01. 4 5 Hysterectomy due to Ovarian Cancer. I am so happy with my patch. Ive had some weight gain and sometimes my patch comes off but hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, and sleepless nights are gone. I have to have my patch. F4. 53 years. 0. 25mg. Hotflashed, Night sweats. It works for me. I just want to no the comments go back to 2. Why or is this company reading the comments minds doesnt hold either. Are you F6. 13 months. Menopause. None. I am 6. I have loved my life with this patch. However, my doctor says I should quit and I dont know what to do. Some doctors say, Dont worry about it. I just dont know who is right. Any ideas F6. 31. X W542. 01. 4Email 4 Premature menopause. Pros better mood, increased sex drive, drastically decreased migraines, more emotionally stable. Cons lots of irregular bleeding, patch does not stay on without bandaid, breast tenderness, moderate weight gain. I started taking Climara Pro due to lack of estrogen at a young age. I was also having a lot of emotional issues, depression, anxiety, etc. Within 3. 6 hours, I was feeling better mentally and emotionally. I think my skin even looks better. I do experience a lot of breakthrough bleeding, so I am going to cut the patch in half and see what happens. F3. 23 months. 1X W41. Email 5 TAHNever any side effects. Just reduced dosage to. F6. 43. 0 years. 0. X W482. 01. 4Email 5 Menopause,Hot flashes. Hot flashes, not sleeping at night, headaches. This started working within a week of putting the patch on. I rarely have hot flashes and headaches seem to be less. I had problems keeping patch on initially, but have put it down very low to pubic hair line. I work out and shower a lot and its the first thing Ill try to pat dry.